Japan Shochu is a traditional Japanese distilled spirit, the Japanese aqua vitae. There are two types of Shochu: Korui and Honkaku.Korui is made by multiple distillation that makes Shochu taste clean. Honkaku is made by single distillation that remains the flavor and the taste of material in plenty. The Takara brand of Shochu was first distilled in 1842, in Kyoto's Fushimi district. Since then, Takara has steadily produced high-quality Shochu using innovative fermenting and distilling technologies.
Japan Shochu is a traditional Japanese distilled spirit, the Japanese aqua vitae. There are two types of Shochu: Korui and Honkaku.Korui is made by multiple distillation that makes Shochu taste clean. Honkaku is made by single distillation that remains the flavor and the taste of material in plenty. The Takara brand of Shochu was first distilled in 1842, in Kyoto's Fushimi district. Since then, Takara has steadily produced high-quality Shochu using innovative fermenting and distilling technologies.
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