In the beginning, there were five promises, to be Single Barrel, Bottled at Proof, Powerfully Complex, distinctly unique from anything we've done before, and stupendous. Since Whistlepig first prophesied the future of rye, we've endeavored to create, break and re-write the laws of whiskey to bring you an annual offering deserving of the most devoted palates. A good 'ol testament to heavenly taste.
The Boss Hog X: The Commandments transcends tradition with a double finish inspired by our own land of milk and honey. Barrels selected with reverence from among our oldest stocks of rye whiskey are anointed with aromatic resins, care of an experimental whey spirit infused with the genera commonly known as frankincense and myrrh. This storied whiskey ascends further with a final finish in craft, aged mead barrels. The Boss Hog X is thousands of years of worth of wonder condensed into a bottle of biblical proportions, righteously rendered at barrel proof. Showcasing flavors of ancient Egypt, slouching towards Shoreham. Its delectability defies science and reason.
Tasting Notes,
Notes of creme brulee, lemongrass and rosemary with hints of red berries and freshly crushed black pepper.
In the beginning, there were five promises, to be Single Barrel, Bottled at Proof, Powerfully Complex, distinctly unique from anything we've done before, and stupendous. Since Whistlepig first prophesied the future of rye, we've endeavored to create, break and re-write the laws of whiskey to bring you an annual offering deserving of the most devoted palates. A good 'ol testament to heavenly taste.
The Boss Hog X: The Commandments transcends tradition with a double finish inspired by our own land of milk and honey. Barrels selected with reverence from among our oldest stocks of rye whiskey are anointed with aromatic resins, care of an experimental whey spirit infused with the genera commonly known as frankincense and myrrh. This storied whiskey ascends further with a final finish in craft, aged mead barrels. The Boss Hog X is thousands of years of worth of wonder condensed into a bottle of biblical proportions, righteously rendered at barrel proof. Showcasing flavors of ancient Egypt, slouching towards Shoreham. Its delectability defies science and reason.
Tasting Notes,
Notes of creme brulee, lemongrass and rosemary with hints of red berries and freshly crushed black pepper.