“Legendary Men...Legendary Spirits...” identifies the pursuit of our passions and shows through in everything we do. Beginning in 2015, our team initially traveled to Yellowstone on a journey to discover our next chapters in life. That adventure led us to our first distillery tour sparking a passion that has since taken us across the globe seeking the best and brightest of the distilling world. We have trained with some of the best distillers in Kentucky, Ireland and Scotland. These lessons have been brought home to improve our distilling process and the selection of our key ingredients. This powerful combination of art and science is what separates us from others.
Tasting Notes,
Toffee, Sweet Corn, Apple
“Legendary Men...Legendary Spirits...” identifies the pursuit of our passions and shows through in everything we do. Beginning in 2015, our team initially traveled to Yellowstone on a journey to discover our next chapters in life. That adventure led us to our first distillery tour sparking a passion that has since taken us across the globe seeking the best and brightest of the distilling world. We have trained with some of the best distillers in Kentucky, Ireland and Scotland. These lessons have been brought home to improve our distilling process and the selection of our key ingredients. This powerful combination of art and science is what separates us from others.
Tasting Notes,
Toffee, Sweet Corn, Apple
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